Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Obama administration is laughable

Only the Obama administration noobs could be capable of screwing up a huge PR event, such as the killing of Osama. Not only will they not release the pictures, but now the truth about the entire situation is starting to come into light. Obama was not even the one who authorized the mission against the suspected location of Osama, the leader of the CIA did. Evidently the leader leader of the CIA has the ability to okay any missions or other projects against suspected terrorists are his own discretion. It is also quite obvious that Osama was basically assassinated, which doesn't bother me, but should have made the dumbass in office before taking all the credit. It is mighty convenient that the entire mission was recorded with on-person cameras and such but the cameras "malfunctioned" during the 20 minutes that the seal team was storming Osamas compound. I find that really hard to believe, tell the world that you killed the SOB release the tapes so we can all watch them and eat popcorn and stop acting like Obama was the actual trigger man.


  1. Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't even kill him in the first place.

  2. What Alpha said +1. Other than the military guys (who performed kickass), the operation was really bungled from the administration side.

  3. im pretty sure its all fake just for the public..

  4. Yeah I wanna see that dead mofo! I'll be laughing hahahahaha
